Nurture Notes- July 17, 2019
Photo by Pineapple Supply Co via Unsplash
Celebrate Life!
The fact that you are reading this blog post is an indication that you made it to another day of life. Let’s celebrate life today! When you’re deep in recovery from an eating disorder (or substance use) basic tasks of living can feel like a chore (for instance, eating a meal or taking a shower). Finding even a small way to celebrate life can help connect you to the bigger picture of your life. Here are some examples: smiling or making small talk with a stranger, going to your therapy appointment even though you badly want to cancel, making the decision to follow your meal plan (even just for one meal- hooray!).
Whether or not you’re in recovery from an eating disorder I challenge you to find at least one way to celebrate life today. If you’re stuck consider the following suggestions:
Hug a loved one
Feel the sun on your skin
Eat a popsicle or ice cream cone
Call a friend to say hi
Make spontaneous plans for this evening
Buy yourself a present
Have fun and celebrate!!