Hi! My name is Dr. Nicole Mareno. I am a PhD-prepared registered nurse with more than 22 years of nursing experience, with a primary focus on psychiatric/mental health nursing. As both a nurse and a researcher, I have first-hand experience working with clients who struggle with disordered eating behaviors, eating disorders, anxiety and mood disorders, OCD, and other co-occurring psychiatric and chronic health issues. I’m a member of the Atlanta Chapter of the International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals and American Association of Psychiatric Nursing. I offer behavioral counseling and specialized care for eating disorders, OCD/anxiety disorders, and body image concerns. For an in-depth description of my services, please click here.
How to Refer a Patient to Me
If you’d like to refer a patient for behavioral counseling services, please feel free to send me an email at: nmareno@nurtureconsultingllc.com. Thank you so much for your referrals!
Here are some common reasons that providers refer patients to me:
Intentional or non-intentional food intake restriction and difficulty resuming a consistent pattern of eating without support.
Vacillation between intentional food restriction and binge eating (with or without purging).
Binge eating and difficulty resuming a consistent pattern of eating without support.
Engaging in purging behaviors (self-induced vomiting, compulsive exercise, laxative use, diuretic use, and/or taking any other medications to induce purging).
Food rituals (e.g., eating foods only in a certain order/or amount; eating foods only at a certain time or only when using certain utensils/dishes; weighing/measuring foods)
Body image concerns including body dysmorphia and body checking rituals.
Food or body-image related obsessions and compulsive behaviors.
Treatment has stalled and a harm-reduction approach is needed.
Exposure and response prevention interventions could be useful as an adjunct treatment.
For Healthcare Providers- Case or Practice Consultation
I provide case consultation services and can help you streamline processes for screening, identifying, diagnosing, treating, and referring patients with disordered eating or eating disorders. I have expertise in treating the following conditions:
Anorexia nervosa (all sub-types)
Bulimia nervosa
Binge eating disorder
Night eating disorder
Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder
Other specified feeding and eating disorders
Anxiety disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Bipolar disorders
Personality disorders
Other medical conditions including, but not limited to, diabetes, hypertension, and polycystic ovarian syndrome
Please contact me at nmareno@nurtureconsultingllc.com for more details.
Other consultation services:
I can speak on a variety topics including general mental health, OCD/anxiety concerns, body image, and treating/managing all types of eating and feeding disorders. I’m also available to review and offer professional expertise on manuscripts, scripts, and other creative products. Please contact me for more details at nmareno@nurtureconsultingllc.com.
Nicole Recent Speaking Gigs:
April 9 and May 7, 2024: “The Connection Between Nutrition and Mental Health”, Balch & Bingham, LLP
April 6, 2020- “Nourishing Your Body with Confidence” Eating Disorders Information Network, Atlanta, GA
April 15, 2020 “Nourishing Your Family During Uncertain Times” Fusion Academy, Alpharetta, GA
Fees for Consultation Services and Speaking Engagements
I charge $295.00 per hour for consultation services and speaking engagements.
For more information or discuss your organization’s needs please contact Nicole Mareno by clicking the button below or emailing at: nmareno@nurtureconsultingllc.com