Eating with Joy in the New Year Tip #2- Balancing Nutrition and Satisfaction
Here is my second tip for eating with joy in the new year:
Balance Nutrition & Satisfaction- Food provides our body with fuel AND it's pleasurable. Nutritional balance is about eating a variety of foods, over time, to ensure that we get all of our macronutrients (e.g., proteins, carbs, fats) and micronutrients (e.g., vitamins and minerals). Not every meal or snack needs to be "perfectly balanced" in order for you to be getting all your nutrients. Include a variety of foods throughout the day, week, and month to meet your needs. Satisfaction in eating is equally important to nutrition. Since we have to eat multiple times every day in order to survive, eating foods that we enjoy is sooooo important!
Start by making lists with some or all of the following categories: flavors I love, foods I love, foods or dishes that really satisfy me, foods that bring me joy & comfort, foods that make me feel good, and foods that satiate and sustain me. Most likely you will have many foods that overlap in the different categories. These are foods to pay attention to. Are you eating these foods on a regular basis? If not, consider adding more foods you enjoy to your daily meals and snacks to increase variety and satisfaction.
One more tip to go……stay tuned…….
“Food brings people together on many different levels. It’s nourishment of the soul and body; it’s truly love.”
Photo by STIL (@stilclassics) via Unsplash