Healing Your Body Image
Photo by All Go- An App for Plus Sized People (@canweallgo) via Unsplash
100% of the clients I treat have body image concerns. Yes, you read that correctly- 100%. A negative body image is a negative view of, and negative feelings about, your body. If you dislike or hate your body, I see you and I hear you. Your body isn’t a problem to be fixed. There's nothing wrong with your body. The problem is diet culture messaging that tells you that your worth and health are tied to your appearance. In diet culture, health and worth are conflated with thinness, youth, and ability. Unfortunately, we're inundated with these toxic messages from family, spouses/partners, healthcare professionals, the media, peers, and so on. The result? You develop a negative body image.
If you’ve tried to “fix” your body image by losing weight, joining a gym, shaming yourself, and so on, you’ve probably already figured out that these “fixes” don’t help long term. Like many of my clients, you may have discovered that weight loss, plastic surgery, and exercise aren’t effective in helping you “feel good” about your body. In fact, many of my clients tell me that losing weight made them feel worse about their bodies, or that no amount of weight loss was ever “good enough”!!
If this is where you’re at, stay tuned! I’ve got something in the works…… If you want to be “in the know” click here and put your email in the pop-up box to join my mailing list. When you join my mailing list you can be the first to know about my offerings and services!