Navigating Uncertain Times
I'm amazed at how much change we've all experienced in the last month as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. The last several weeks have been unprecedented and surreal. You're not alone if you've been experiencing fear, anxiety, uncertainty, stress, overwhelm, grief, disappointment, or other strong emotions. We're all scrambling to adjust to a "new normal" including changes to our work environments or employment status, extra roles/duties, connecting virtually, and confronting changes in our relationships resulting from sheltering in place or physical distance.
One thing that gives me great comfort is that all of us are navigating these uncharted waters together. I've been reflecting on what is "normal" to most of us right now. Here's what I've come up with...….
It's NORMAL to:
N- Not have all the answers and not know what to say, do, think, feel, and so on.
O- (feel) Overwhelmed, stressed, fearful, and uncertain about the future.
R- Redefine how you're using media/social media and it's purpose in your life.
M- Make changes to your life's priority list and daily schedule.
A- (experience) Appetite changes, cravings, and erratic eating patterns.
L- Learn as you go each day.
Going back to the basics right now is important- consistent meals, enough sleep, fresh air, gentle movement, connecting with others frequently, and lots of self-compassion. As we continue to experience changes and challenges resulting from the pandemic, please know that I am here for you. I've made a few changes in my practice:
For the foreseeable future, all of my intuitive eating counseling and recovery coaching sessions will be conducted virtually on a HIPAA-compliant platform.
Stressful and uncertain times make eating disorder recovery more challenging. I'm pleased to offer virtual meal support for anyone who could use coaching during meals or snacks. I'm also available for flexible meal planning sessions. More information about these services is available at this link: virtual meal support
Up-to-date information about additional resources or offerings can be found on my Instagram page. My handle is @intuitiveeatingnurse.
Starting Tuesday 3/31, I'm offering a virtual group "Nourish Yourself with Confidence," that focuses on tackling pandemic-specific eating challenges using an intuitive eating approach. If you're interested, send me an email: or click here to learn more.
I would love to hear from you! Please let me know how you are doing and what your needs are. You can contact me on my website: Contact me here or by sending me an email: You can also connect with me on Instagram (@intuitiveeatingnurse)!
My thoughts are with you as we navigate these uncertain times,
Photo by Maximilian Weisbecker (@maximilianweisbecker) via Unsplash