Nurture Notes- May 8, 2019
Photo by freestocks via Unsplash
What I Need Most Right Now
Are you taking care of your own needs? I’ll bet most of you could rattle off a list of things you do on a daily basis for other people (children, spouses, bosses, family members, etc.) but might have difficulty listing anything you’ve done just for yourself recently.
I’m a huge fan of Rosie Molinary’s 2016 book “Beautiful You: A Daily Guide to Self-Acceptance” (2nd edition, Seal Press). On page 90, for the day #79 entry, she talks about the importance of considering your own needs. Rosie challenges the reader to ask themselves, “What do I need right now more than anything else?” and then figure out how to give it to yourself. She suggests asking this question to yourself seven days in a row to see how well you are meeting your own needs.
I invite you to take on Rosie’s challenge and notice how you answer the question over the course of a week. Even if you are currently making your self-care a priority, this is a great question to ask yourself. Perhaps you are having unmet needs that you weren’t aware of.
Please comment on what you have needed in your life. Right before I sat down to write this post what I needed most was some water and an afternoon snack. I gave myself both and noticed an increase in my energy level immediately!